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Membership Info

Become a member of the Society and benefit from our
talks, walks & events and help us to protect the area where you live


Ask yourself:

  • Are you interested in the natural environment where you live and want to see it protected?
  • Are you concerned about the effects of traffic through the two villages and would like to influence decision-making about solutions?
  • Do you care about the many excellent buildings in both villages and wish to see them preserved?
  • Would you would like to see high standards of planning and architecture in the two villages?
  • Would you like to learn more about the geography, history, natural history and architecture of Sonning and Sonning Eye?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then you would benefit from joining our Society.

We aim to protect and improve the natural environment and historic features of Sonning and Sonning Eye. Working alongside local authorieies and committees to ensure that planning and traffic regulations preserve our village. We encourage research, publish reports and through our Education and Social Panel inform members about our history, geography and architectural heritage.


Benefits of membership include:

  • Members receive regular newsletters, offering insight into historical, natural and architectural features of the two villages as well as informing them of the work of the Executive Committee and its Panels.
  • Our Facebook community group keeps everyone updated with the latest news and activities.
  • Through the AGM, Executive Committee meetings, and active engagement with the work of the Panels, members have the opportunity to influence decisions affecting the two villages and their surroundings.
  • Members enjoy a varied programme of events throughout the year. 'Walks and Talks' by local experts, lectures on special topics, outings to places of interest and our Annual Supper with a guest speaker, all provide members with a chance to meet socially - over a cup of tea or glass of wine.

Subscription rates (unchanged since 2005!) are:

Single £5.00
Double £8.00
Under 18 £3.00
Youth Group £10.00
Corporate on application

Membership Application

Please sign up for membership using the form below then visit our website and pay the annual subscription using the online link below. Our membership secretary will be in touch to confirm that your payment has been received and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.:


Leave this empty:


Either submit this form or print it out and send it, together with your cheque payable to 'Sonning & Sonning Eye Society',
to Lesley Heaney, Membership Secretary, 3 Sonning Gate, Sonning, Berkshire RG4 6GQ


Membership Data will be held on a computer and used for Sonning & Sonning Eye Society purposes only.
Any member with an objection to this procedure/or wishing to examine the database can apply to the Membership Secretary.


Now Please Click Here To Pay Your Subscription.......

Annual General Meeting 2020

AGM & Supper | Saturday 16th November 2024

The AGM is at 7.15pm (sharp)
followed by a 3 course supper and
a talk by local resident Dr Lesley Runnalls

The AGM Notice together with Nomination Forms to elect Officers of the Society can be downloaded: HERE

Book your tickets HERE

Please download and print out the PDF documents below and then send the completed form to the appropriate person

AGM & Supper Ticket Application Form 16 November 2019 7.15pm

Please send the completed ticket application
to Penny Feathers together with your payment

Nomination Form 2019 November 16 7.15pm

Please download and print out this PDF form and then send it to the Honorary Secretary, Andy Bell
Nomination forms must be received by 2nd November 2019

These are the Annual Reports and Accounts of the Sonning & Sonning Eye Society
Clicking on the cover image will download the PDF to your computer.

Annual Reports & Accounts