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Who we are

The Executive Committee are responsible for the management and administration of the Society;
two specialist Panels are concerned with the planning & traffic and the education & social aspects

Officers of the Society
ChairMike Hartmikehart1311@btinternet.com969 8145
07785 285739
Vice-ChairPatrick Hamblinpatrick.hamblin@btinternet.com969 3930
Honorary SecretaryDeborah Simmons
Honorary TreasurerJoan
Other Members of the Executive Committee
Coordinator of the Education PanelHeather Kay (co-opted)
Chair of the Planning & Traffic PanelPatrick Hamblinpatrick.hamblin@btinternet.com969 3930
Sonning EyeAnnabella Marksdunsden@aol.com969 2264
Membership SecretaryLesley Heaneylesley@sonninggate.com969 7033
Editor of Bridge & WebmasterJeremy Gilmore (co-opted) 8075
Environmental AdvisorProf. Alastair 600868
Panel Members
Coordinator Heather Kay

Members of the Education & Social Panel are invited to serve by the Panel Co-ordinator because of their interest in and knowledge of buildings, cultural, environmental and historical issues in relation to Sonning and Sonning Eye. Members with specific and relevant skills, e.g. web expertise, interest in devising children’s activities, are welcome to join the Panel. The Panel should normally have not less than three and not more than ten members.


The Education & Social Panel’s main purpose is to raise awareness about the geography, history, natural history and architectural heritage of both villages through a series of walks and talks. It also prepares the Society’s newsletter, bridge, currently published quarterly, and is responsible for maintaining the Society’s website. The Panel contributes towards promoting the Society alongside the other Panels, at/in appropriate events and places. If approved by the Executive Committee it will co-ordinate events linked to the nationally organised heritage Open Days scheme.

The Education & Social Panel occasionally communicates with cultural or other organisations. Written material should be agreed by at least two Panel members and signed by the Panel Co-ordinator or Panel member appointed by the Co-ordinator to do so.

The work of the Education & Social Panel includes:

  • Event Planning and Organisation
  • Press & Publicity
  • Publications
  • Web Site
Panel Guidelines
  1. Article 8.1 of the Society's Constitution reads as follows: "The Executive Committee may constitute such panels or sub-committees from time to time as shall be considered necessary for such purposes as shall be thought fit. The Chairman (or Co-ordinator if preferred) of each Panel shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. All actions and proceedings of each Panel shall be reported to and be confirmed by the Executive Committee as soon as possible. Members of the Executive Committee may be members of any Panel. Panels shall be subordinate to and may be regulated or dissolved by the Executive Committee".
  2. The Education & Social Panel's main purpose is to raise awareness about the geography, history, natural history and architectural heritage of both villages through a series of walks and talks. It also prepares the Society's newsletter, Bridge, currently published quarterly, and is responsible for maintaining the Society's website. The Panel contributes towards promoting the Society alongside the other Panels, at/in appropriate events and places. If approved by the Executive Committee it will co-ordinate events linked to the nationally organised Heritage Open Days scheme.

    The Panel also supports the Society’s Annual General Meeting and educational events by providing refreshments to those attending and organising social occasions for the enjoyment of the membership.
  3. Members of the Education & Social Panel are invited to serve by the Panel Co-ordinator because of their interest in and knowledge of buildings, cultural, environmental and historical issues in relation to Sonning and Sonning Eye. Members with specific and relevant skills are welcome to join the Panel, e.g. web expertise, interest in devising children's activities, etc. The Panel should normally have not less than three and not more than ten members.
  4. The Education & Social Panel may consider it necessary to send written communications to cultural or other organisations. These should be agreed by at least two Panel members and signed by the Panel Co-ordinator or Panel member appointed by the Co-ordinator to do so.
Panel Members
ChairPatrick Hamblin969 3930
07917 300999
Environmental AdvisorProf. Alastair Driver07836 600868
David Bates969 7753
Mike Hart969 8145
07785 285739
Bob Hine969 2132
Jeremy Gilmore944 8075

Members of the Panel are invited to serve by the Panel Chairman because of their interest in and knowledge of the appropriate issues. The Panel should normally have not less than four and not more than ten members.

Panel Meetings in the Sonning Club 8.00pm

The Panel meets on a monthly basis and these meetings will now be open to all members of the Society, who will be allowed to participate in the discussions at the invitation of the Panel Chairman. The meetings will be held in the Sonning Club, commencing at 8.00pm.

The dates for 2019 are:
