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Quarterly Newsletter
How Sonning & Sonning Eye celebrated the weekend.
Poem in celebration.
Deborah Simmons tells it like it is.
Timetable of village events to mark the Coronation
All of Sonning's school children will be presented with a medal to mark the occasion.
Further discussion, with map, on plans to increase from 670 to 833 the number of dwellings.
Photos and views from Mark Green who's been flying over Sonning since 1997.
Sonning Golf Club's scheme for 54 homes added to the existing development plans is too much.
The village plans to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.
The 1st draft of the Sonning Neighbourhood Plan is ready for review.
Report from the Community Speed Watch group - 75mph recorded!
Ali Driver examines the devestation on the Oxford bank of the Thames.
A plea for Sonning not to be overwhelmed with inappropriate development.
Covering all the events held in Sonning and Sonning Eye to mark this historic occasion.
Timetable of village events to mark the Jubilee
The Baby Farmer
Blue Coat School
Details of Wokingham's plan for our neighbourhood
The Society's 18th AGM
Protect Our Green Spaces
Sonning Support
Details of the planned Platinum Jubilee
A gathering of the residents and trustees of the Robert Palmer Almshouses
Memories of: Alastair Driver
53% of households responded to our questionnaire on the Plan
The rejuvenation of the area between King George's Field carpark and Pound Lane
The secret history of Wentworth Golf Club
Details of the Neighbourhood Plan and WBC's Local Plan Update.
The history behind the bomber that crashed there in 1953.
Part Two: The Village Hamper opens its doors
Biography of the Society's first chairman
What it does and how it came to be.
Part One: Birth of The Village Hamper
What's been happening in Sonning - an extended version of the newsletter
The history of a piece of antique jewellery found in a Sonning garden
Details of the support group set up to help local people during the crisis
Traffic volumes and pollution
Morin information about the Neighbourhood Plan for Sonning.
History of the Home set up in Caversham by Miss Dashwood.
Everything you need to know about the group of people who look after our village hall
Why a Neighbourhood Plan is a good idea for Sonning.
The genealogy of part of Yorkshire gravestone found in a Sonning garden.
We look back at the exhibition and book reflecting the oral history of Sonning.
A visit to the Getty owned estate.
Two local schoolgirls came to the aid of circus animals during the 1960 floods
Alastair Moncur describes a potted history of the local alms houses
Penny has played an important role in the Society for many years, Annabella Marks chats to her
Info about the consultation and how to make your views known
David Bates reports on the local chapter of this important chairty
Prof. Alastair Driver was instrumental in securing the funds for this regeneration project
Alastair Moncur has written a poem about the local card players
Butts Hill Road Bridge, Thieves steal driveway
An appeal on behalf of the Planning and Traffic Panel
John Russell takes us through the history of this illustrious organisation
Annabella Marks chats to the respected businessman about his fascinating life
Marjie Thorne, from Reading Blue Coat School, outlines their links with Sonning CE Primary School.
Speed Control, SEAG, Local Plan Update
Prof. Alastair Driver warns about Floating Pennywort
Christopher (The Gaffer) Hearn details the history
Robert Farquhar discovers the inventor and engineer
Pauline Simmonds reports on the recent talk
The developer next door, parking at the Great House
Rodney Huggins MBE is a resident of this exclusive road
Patrick Hamblin reports on our recent talk
The owner of the French Horn interviewed by Annabella Marks
CAGE launches fighting fund, Sonning Parish Clean Up Day
David Gambrill examines the diaries of a railway enthusiast
Joyce Reed continues the railway theme
Pauline Simmonds reports on the recent Society talk
Mike Hart recounts how the new county flag came to be
Wokingham Veteran Tree Assoc, Parking in Sonning Lane, A Third Bridge?
Bob Hine explains the restoration project to save The Vyne
Ali Driver led a group of Society members along the Thames path and talked about TVP
Joyce Reed investigates the local 19th Century artist
Pauline Simmonds looks after historical items donated by Armine Edmonds
Sonning Bridge Repairs, Henley Road Roadworks
2017 Sonning Conservation Area Appraisal has been adopted by WBC
Lesley Green, at Sonning School 1999-2015, shares her thoughts on local schools and community
David Woodward looks back to the great floods of 1937 and reviews where we stand now
Pauline Simmonds reports on the Society's recent visit to these establishments
CAGE Celebrates Gladman Defeat, Sonning Quarry, HGVs & Sonning Bridge, Street Lights
Installation of a Archimedes Screw which should be able to generate 2,000kWh of energy per day
Brian O'Callaghan traces the history and architecture of his cottage
Alastair Driver discusses the different forms of designated wildlife site
Local plan update, cycle racks, Model Farm Cottages, 245 houses in Eye & Dunsden
Berkshire Gardens Trust lecture
Description of the Conservation Area appraisal and the stages it has gone through
How your copy of Bridge is put together
Reflections on a stroll around Sonning & Sonning Eye by Joyce Reed
Alastair Driver describes the steps he's taken to encourage barn owl breeding
Barn owl resident, Sonning Parish Magazine, Reading in 50 buildings, Dunsden Hall appeal
Sonning's own nature reserve, managed by Alastair Driver, wins a top environmental prize
Brian & Diana O'Callaghan share out the highlights of a walk from Henley back to Sonning
The connections between Sonning and Salisbury
Pearson Hall cycle racks, Berkshire gardens Trust, Heritage Open Day walks
Peter van Went paints a portrait of this tragic figure
Two Sonning beekeepers give an insight into this important insect
Alistair Driver continues his nature notes
Professor Ali Driver, visits to Dropmore and Cliveden
Alastair Driver presents some Nature Notes on flood risk management
Ron Darvell recounts his memories to Diana Coulter and Annabella Marks
Joyce Reed takes us through the evening's celebration
Lancelot Brown in Berkshire and Caversham Park
Diana Coulter discovers "the most reviled Archbishop of Canterbury"
Peter van Went looks at the Bishop's Palace and the people who shaped it
Admiral Pierre de Villeneuve resided in Sonning, as detailed by John Edmonds
Berkshire family History Society
Mike Hart recounts the life of the President of the Sonning & Sonning Eye Society
2015 is the tenth year the Society has run its popular heritage walks
Alastair Driver describes the area and the wildlife that thrives there
Annabella Marks was in the group that visited Hardwick House, an Elizabethan manor
Alastair Driver investigated the devastating tree clearance in Sonning Cutting
Nick Marks helps look after the Eye and Dunsden Community Orchard
Diana Coulter looks at 16th and 17th century listed buildings nearby
Alice McGuigan describes the project and celebrations
Brian Eighteen, Berkshire Gardens Trust
The Society's quest to encourage traditional crafts, as described by Annabella Marks
Diana Coulter traces the life of this important Sonning resident
David Woodward describes the high tech tour guide
History retreat, Berkshire Gardens trust