Functions loaded

& Sonning Eye

Safeguarding history architecture and environment

We are a civic society committed to:


Promoting high standards of planning and architecture in
Sonning &Sonning Eye


Educating the public in their geography, history,
natural history and architecture


Securing the protection, development and improvement of features of historic, natural or public interest

  Sonning can't cope with so many new homes!  

The current issue of Bridge is dedicated to explaining the reasons why the proposal for a development of 54 dwellings on Sonning Golf Club (Application No. 223458) is against all reason and more importantly against a large number of Wokingham Borough Council's own rules and regulations.
Read the full article here:

The links mentioned in the article are as follows:

Events, Meetings and Local News

The Society arranges a varied programme of events throughout the year; holds bi-monthly meetings to which all members are welcome; works closely with Sonning Parish Council; and has a Planning & Traffic Panel to advise on local applications and changes.

About the Sonning & Sonning Eye Society

Our civic society is committed to:

  • Promoting high standards of planning and architecture in Sonning and Sonning Eye;
  • Educating the public in their geography, history, natural history and architecture; and
  • Securing the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic, natural or public interest in the two villages.

The Planning & Traffic Panel contributes effectively to planning, environmental and highways consultations, offering considered views on issues affecting both sides of the river. We are fortunate to have found so many people who have been willing to give freely of their time on behalf of our Society. The Panels also welcome new members to share in the work.

The Society, through the Education Panel and the Social Committee, provides a varied programme of events, which members and non-members alike support very well. Our talks and walks have ranged from Thames Watermills through biodiversity to brick making. Full details of future events are shown on this website as well as being advertised in Bridge, the quarterly newsletter of the Society.

Currently the Society is actively engaged in:

  • Village Voices, a project designed to capture our oral history;
  • and Assisting Sonning Parish Council in preparing a new Conservation Area Assessment
  • Preparing a short illustrated architectural and historical guide for publication

New members are always welcome. Membership is open to everyone who cares about the villages and their surroundings. We think you might want to join if you are interested in:

  • Our many excellent buildings;
  • High standards of planning and architecture;
  • The natural environment and the effects of traffic; and
  • Geography, history and architecture.

The Society’s website contains news about our activities, details of forthcoming events, archive copies of Bridge and useful links. Please email us your comments and suggestions about items for inclusion by email to or join our FaceBook group

North Lodge

Join the Society

Annual subscriptions are available for individuals, families and organisations.
Membership entitles you to a reduced rate at our talks and walks as well as quarterly issues of Bridge magazine.

Sign up to S&SES

We hope you like our new website. As announced in the last issue of Bridge we have made some changes and hopefully now you'll be able to read this on tablets and some mobile phones. You'll find expanded news from our planning, traffic and educational panels as well as information on planning applications.

We've enhanced the events area to include local functions as well as details of Society talks etc. We'd encourage you to let us know if we're missing information so that we can keep everyone informed.

We are continuing to develop this website, so you'll see changes over the coming weeks, please be patient while we move everything across from the old site.

Finally, we do use cookies on these pages to give you the best experience and ensure that the website works properly but rest assured that all information is anonymous and we do not share personal data with third parties.